Home Christian Life What is Your Hurry?

What is Your Hurry?


You’re so busy with schedules to keep and deadlines to meet. You measure time and the quality of your life in the number of years you have left down to the very second of your existence. What is your hurry? Whether you realize it or not, time is your most precious possession. You tell someone I will give you five minutes of my time. You set preferences on how to budget your time, and It seems you never have enough time to do what you would like to do most in life.

You have the feeling that time spent doing nothing is a waste without any value. That is why you need to understand I created the Sabbath to help put your life into perspective. A society that centers its existence around the clock suffers hurry sickness, fatigue, and over-the-top stress. You live on the edge of sanity where nerves fray, tempers flare, and a heart attack is sometimes only a heartbeat away. One endless activity after another. (Feeling Busy All the Time)

I created a Sabbath rest where you may experience wholeness in my presence. Rest in me and absorb my peace and presence in your heart and soul. Let my thoughts and resurrection power replace your thoughts, and let my eternal peace free you to know you are my beloved child. (You are My Dwelling Place)

Remember, I am the anchor that holds your life in place. I am the unshakable and unchanging God who is utterly reliable and trustworthy in all I do. I have declared I will never forsake you or leave you. When you enter my sabbath rest, you are once again aware you live in union with eternity and with me. Rest in me and seek me with your heart and soul. I will bring wholeness and refresh you with renewed hope for living. What is your hurry? Please slow down, enjoy, and value my sabbath rest.


Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. Exodus 20: 8-10 NIV

Image via Pixabay

