Home Christian Life Listen for My Voice

Listen for My Voice


I know the overwhelming need you have to talk about your problems. You want your friends and family to understand and validate your feelings. However, your most profound challenge is to listen to My voice of reassurance. I am the one who brings peace and the answers to the loneliness and fears you experience. (You are Accepted)

Understand your incessant words are a way of crying out to others for help. You hope the people who listen can respond and provide the answers to the loneliness you feel. It is terrific to have friends, but they can never meet your soul’s need for love and acceptance. When family and friends are no longer around without the awareness of My presence, your feeling of loneliness intensifies.

Let go and trust Me with your loneliness and fears and listen for My voice in the silence, assuring you that you are loved and accepted. I am the one who loves and cares for you like no one else. Remember, My perfect love for you is no fear or anxiety. Be slow to speak and quick to listen for My heavenly voice and comforting word to you. You are My beloved child. (You are my Child)


There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. I John 4:18 NIV

And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Mathew 3:17 NIV

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(With over 500 reviews on Amazon, “In the Presence of Jesus” is an excellent devotional for a group study.)