Home Contemplation Stop Your Overthinking!

Stop Your Overthinking!


I encourage you to meditate on My word to help you stop overthinking. The purpose of meditation is to help you pause your thinking long enough to live moment by moment in the awareness of My resurrection truth. When you focus on Me, I bring clarity to processing the numerous activities in your life. (Calming My Restless Mind)

Meditation is to pause and reflect on your thoughts and feelings in the light of My word to you. It gives you a way to contemplate and decipher the constant conversation you have going on in your mind. The internal dialogue of chitchat, words, symbols, and images continually bounces around in your head. You discover your thoughts are a trap where you think about everything and nothing of fundamental importance most of the time. The gift of meditation and prayer lifts you beyond a world of chaos and questions into a new conscious awareness of living in the Holy now. Let My company bring insight and peace to your life. 

When you stop thinking and slow up the self-talk and chattering, you are in touch with the world that exists outside yourself and with Me. It allows you to understand you are no longer disconnected but interconnected spiritually and physically with Me and everything you see. You become aware there is no need to fear death, and you can experience life beyond flesh and blood’s momentary existence. (Be Still and “Be”)    

When you slow up and meditate upon Me, you no longer stay busy all the time, seeking to find the pearl of great value that will make you happy and contented. The moment you are born, you are on a never-ending cycle since the beginning of time, starting on a life journey that ends in death. Remember, you live and move and have your being in Me. Stop your overthinking and meditate on the fact everything you need is living present within you right now. I am the pearl of great value. Peace of mind results from knowing that you can have My peace wherever you are at any given moment. Your peace is a result of faith in trusting Me with your life. 

At any moment, you can meditate on Me and let Me help you stop your overthinking. 

Reflection: It is crucial to understand constructive ways of calming your mind to help with your overthinking. At the same time, traumatic events in our lives may necessitate the need for competent medical help and intervention. If that is true in your life, I encourage you to take the steps needed to bring healing by asking for help. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me and help me focus my thoughts upon you. Help me experience the freedom not to overthink all my problems that cause fear and anxiety. I trust you will teach me the best ways to handle my thoughts. Thank you for loving me. Amen


I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. Psalm 119:15 ESV

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8 ESV

Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it! Mathew 13:45-46 NLT

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