Home Contemplation God is Everywhere

God is Everywhere


Godiseverywhere (1)The presence of the kingdom of God is found in the quiet of the heart, not in the intellect of the mind. The major hindrance of intimacy with God is the mind. There can never be union and peace in our heart as long as the mind thinks and locates God out there and not present within us. If we believe God is out there, the fallen mind will pursue a relationship with God based on performance and works to secure eternal life. Performance driven religion is “doing” something instead of “being” something. When I do anything to gain something from God, it is a performance-based religion. If I do good God will love me and reward me, if I do wrong God will not love me and punish me. Performance-based religion is doing an action I think pleases God. In contrast, mercy is what God does for us and grace is what God did for us. He calls me righteous, not by anything I can do but what He has done. I am not a separate entity, but a part of the whole of God and Creation. Jesus proclaimed He and his Father are one, and the good news is we are one with Him. The Greek word for salvation is “Soteria” defined as to be made whole or complete.  God’s plan for everything in creation is to be made whole and one through His Son. God put His Spirit in us. There is nothing I can do to get it there or keep it there. (Eph.2:8-9)[1] The most, I can do, is the least I can do. The least, I can do, is open my heart and soul to have intimacy and fellowship with God.

[1] for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

Quote from DomJean-Baptiste Porion a twentieth century monk,   Love and Silence