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Walk in My Presence

When you walk in my presence, I will quiet your mind, calm your soul, and give you perfect peace. I want you to remember my kingdom and presence are within you, and nothing can disturb it. So, when your mind becomes distracted by overwhelming thoughts and troubling circumstances, give your heart entirely to me. Then, you can trust me with it.

When you adore and worship me, you’re cultivating and releasing the awareness of my spirit in your life. When you focus on me as an act of your will, I promise peace in your life. When you are consumed with troubling thoughts and lose focus on me, you will not sense my presence in the middle of the chaos and disorder. (Calming My Restless Mind)

You must release and get rid of anything that hinders you from being aware of my presence at a moment’s notice. (The Power and Practice of Letting Go) Otherwise, you will never quiet the inner commotion that churns inside of you. The barrage of things you feel must get done and the world’s weight will always push my presence aside as being more important than me at the time.

Take the time to seek me in the stillness of your heart. I am the one who calmed the raging storm, and as you look to me for guidance, I will do the same for you. At any moment, you can call on me and trust me and no longer exhaust your energy trying to figure out what happens next in your life. Ask me for guidance on what the plan is for your life today.

Anytime you lose your peace of mind, you are focused on the world and not me. At that moment, when fear and worry are overcoming you, consecrate your total being and throw yourself at my feet with the knowledge, I am God. Lift your heart in praise to me, and I will purify you, enlighten you and direct your paths. Walk in my presence, and I will quiet your mind, calm your soul and give you perfect peace.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 NIV

The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. Luke 8:24 NIV

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